Mar 10, 2016



                                                                                             Kenyan Flag

Kenya is all set to participate in the International Tourism Bourse (ITB) Berlin travel trade show to be held in the German capital from March 9 to 13. Kenyan Tourism Cabinet Secretary (Minister) Najib Balala will lead representatives of the country’s tourism sector to the ITB event.

The event will be attended by 42 exhibitors from Kenya’s private sector and selected government agencies. Four counties, among them Nairobi, Mombasa, Kwale and Uasin Gishu, will also participate in the fair.

All Kenyan exhibitors at ITB Berlin will be hosted by the Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) under the banner of the country’s tourism brand, Magical Kenya.

At the trade show, Balala will be sharing with visitors and participants some of the recent incentives of Kenya he has initiated as part of the sector’s recovery.

The Charter Incentive Programme (CIP) is key under which the government has waived landing fees for charter aircraft with 80 per cent of the passengers terminating at the Indian Ocean destinations of Mombasa and Malindi for the next two years.

The program is aimed at recovering lost business from tourist charter aircraft which used to terminate at Moi International and Malindi airports.

The Cabinet Secretary will be meeting key charter companies from Italy and Germany ahead of ITB.

Kenya enjoys substantial patronage among German tourists having a market standing of fifth highest in the number of tourists to Kenya with a market share of 5.1 per cent as at the end of 2015, behind only Britain, the United States, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and India

(c)                                                                               net photos 

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